Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Down sydromne


Down syndrome is caused by the translocation trisomy of the 21st chromosone. when this hapeens, the 21st chromosone attaches itself to another chromosone, which is usually 14. If the resulting sperm or ovum receives a chromosome 14 (or another chromosome), with a piece of chromosome 21 attached and retains the chromosome 21 that lost a section due to translocation, then the reproductive cells contain the normal or balanced amount of chromosome 21. While there will be no Down syndrome associated characteristics exhibited, the individual who develops from this fertilized egg will be a carrier of Down syndrome. Genetic counseling can be sought to find the origin of the translocation.


Most of the time, the occurrence of Down syndrome is due to a random event that occurred during formation of the reproductive cells, the ovum or sperm. Down syndrome is not attributable to any behavioral activity of the parents or environmental factors. Regardless of maternal age, there will be 1 in 100 baby's born with down syndrome.

whats wrong?

though there are actually many synptoms one may have when he/she has down syndrome. though all those affected may not suffer every single synptom but there are a few more common ones: decreased muscle tone at birth, asymmetrical or odd-shaped skull, round head with flat area at the back of the head, small skull, slanting eyes, small mouth with protruding tongue, broad short hands, single crease on the palm, retarded growth and development, delayed mental and social skills (mental retardation).

any cure???

sadly, there are no cures for down syndrome, because it starts from the chromosones. Thus all doctors can do is to curb the symptoms, through means like surgery, medication, counselling and regular check-ups and screenings. of all, regular check-ups are the most important. people with down syndrome have more chance of life threatening diseases.


Down syndrome is good in its own ways. people with this case should noy be seen as retards, jokes or sad cases.

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