Wednesday, July 21, 2010

top 3 KILLER diseases

after some research, the top 3 killer diseases are heart disease, cancer, last but not least, stroke.

heart disease, it is the cause for some 1.5 lives( in America alone ) every single year. caused by fatty plague build-up in the artery. the likely cause for this is a bad diet of oily and high-cholesterol foods. shockingly, almost half of the people who die from heart disease do not have any symptoms to start with, they just continue with their lives until it happens. for those who are lucky and have symptoms to warn them, this is what is happening. the artery is blocked. so the heart corrects It by lowering its demands, by first trying to tell u through a sharp pain in your chest. as the contractions of the heart weakens, and heart beat becomes irregular, nausea and cold sweat will start. if this continues, parts of the heart shut down. when the heart does not get enough blood, that part will die, then... HEART ATTACK!!!

cancer, 1/3 is poor lifestyle, 1/3 is smoking, and the final 1/3 is by inevitable genetic factors. what is cancer anyway, usually thought to be a disease only affecting the old and weak, but today it affects 25% of all America's population. it is caused when our own cells mutate to attack the very body it was made to protect. it only takes one cell. this cell will divide and multiply at an abnormally fast rate, it penetrates previously, imperveable tissue. if detected and cured early, it can allow the victim to live. But if the mutated cell continues with the rapid division and the destruction of the body, the victim will eventually die.

lastly, stroke. frightening in a way that u know your brain is failing you and you are 100% aware of the alteration of your own brain. in the case of a stroke, if you don't die, you will have to live with a disability. with the disability, which could last for years, you will not be able to take care of yourself in the slightest way at all. the possibility of this, 20%. hemorrhage is a weakened artery wall is the usual cause for a stroke. it is swift, without warning, and does the most damage, (if the victim actually lives through it). stroke is more likely to be expected by the old, over 50, this kind of stroke is swift. half your face sags, speech is slurred. but post symptoms will be loss of conscience, even if it is only for a couple of minutes. mental confusion and weakening limbs follow. a rich saturated fat diet will result in a higher stroke chance.

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